Exercise Results

Table of contents

  1. One of the possible solutions to Stuart Baird exercise.

One of the possible solutions to Stuart Baird exercise.

Plot the Max Log Likelihood for all locus.

data = read.csv('~/StuartsReads.csv', header = F,
                row.names = 1,
                stringsAsFactors = F)
### Fours Steps

# 1st: form hap.: Write a function ToSortedDiplotypes ->
# Save into SortedDiplotypes

ToSortedDiplotypes <- function(G1, G2){
  G3 = rbind(G1,G2)
  Min = apply(G3, 2, min)
  Max = apply(G3, 2, max)
  G4_aux = data.frame(Min,Max)
  G4 = apply(G4_aux, 1, function(x) paste0(x[1], x[2]))


IDS = seq(from = 1, to = (nrow(data)-1), by = 2)

for (rows in IDS){
  print (rows)
  Out = ToSortedDiplotypes(data[rows,], data[rows+1,])  
  if(rows > 1){
    M = rbind(M,Out)
  if (rows == 1){
    M = Out
SortedDiplotypes = M

for ( i in 1:ncol(SortedDiplotypes)){
  # for ( i in 1:10){
  TAB = table(SortedDiplotypes[,i])
  NAs = stringr::str_count(names(TAB), '_')
  TAB = TAB[NAs == 0]
  TAB %<>% as.data.frame(.)
  row.names(TAB) = TAB$Var1
  names(TAB) = c('Allele', paste0('A_',i))
  # TAB = TAB[-1]
  if(i == 1){
    SortedDiplotypesTallies = TAB
  if (i > 1){
    SortedDiplotypesTallies = plyr::join( SortedDiplotypesTallies,TAB, type = 'full')

### Step 2
for ( i in 1:ncol(data)){
  data2 = data
  data[data == '_'] <- NA
  TAB = table(data[,i]) %>% prop.table()
  # TAB
  TAB %<>% as.data.frame(.)
  row.names(TAB) = TAB$Var1
  names(TAB) = c('Allele', paste0('A_',i))
  # TAB = TAB[-1]
  if(i == 1){
    StateFrequencies = TAB
  if (i > 1){
    StateFrequencies = plyr::join( StateFrequencies,TAB, type = 'full')
row.names(StateFrequencies) = StateFrequencies$Allele
StateFrequencies = StateFrequencies[,-1]
StateFrequencies = StateFrequencies[order(row.names(StateFrequencies)),]

row.names(SortedDiplotypesTallies) = SortedDiplotypesTallies$Allele
SortedDiplotypesTallies = SortedDiplotypesTallies[,-1]
SortedDiplotypesTallies = SortedDiplotypesTallies[order(row.names(SortedDiplotypesTallies)),]

LLforF <- function(p,q, F., P, Q, PQ){
  LL  = P*log(p^2+F.) + Q*log(q^2+F.) + PQ*log(2*p*q* (1-F.))

F.vec = seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.99, by = 0.01)
OUT = matrix(NA, ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:ncol(SortedDiplotypesTallies)){
  for(j in 1:length(F.vec)){
    SortedDiplotypesTallies_aux = SortedDiplotypesTallies[i] %>% na.exclude()
    StateFrequencies_aux = StateFrequencies[i]%>% na.exclude()
    LL = LLforF(p = StateFrequencies_aux[1,1],
                q = StateFrequencies_aux[2,1],
                P = SortedDiplotypesTallies_aux[1,1],
                PQ = SortedDiplotypesTallies_aux[2,1],
                Q = SortedDiplotypesTallies_aux[3,1], F. = F.vec[j] )
    OUT_aux = cbind(i, LL, F.vec[j])
    OUT = rbind(OUT, OUT_aux)
dim(OUT )

OUT = data.frame(OUT)
OUT = OUT[-1, ]
names(OUT) = c('Col', 'LL', 'F')
LL180 = subset(OUT, OUT$Col == 180)
LL180ML = subset(OUT, OUT$LL == max(LL180$LL))

plot(LL180$F,LL180$LL , type = 'l', xlab = 'F', ylab = 'LL', las = 1)
abline(h = max(LL180$LL))
abline(v = max(LL180ML$F))

MLE_SUP = matrix(NA, ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:nrow(SortedDiplotypes)){
  Xx = subset(OUT, OUT$Col == i)
  XxML = subset(OUT, OUT$LL == max(Xx$LL))
  Xx_sup = subset(Xx, Xx$LL >= (XxML$LL-2))
  LB = min(Xx_sup$F)
  UB = max(Xx_sup$F)
  MLF = XxML$F
  MLE_SUP_aux = cbind(LB, UB, MLF)
  MLE_SUP = rbind(MLE_SUP, MLE_SUP_aux)
MLE_SUP %<>% as.data.frame() %>% na.exclude()
plot(MLE_SUP$MLF, type = 'l', las = 1,
     ylab = 'MLE')
lines(MLE_SUP$LB, col = 'green')
lines(MLE_SUP$UB, col = 'red')